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- Description:
Interview with Angela Y. Davis conducted for Eyes on the Prize II. Discussion centers on the Black Panther Party, the prison system, women in prison and in the Civil Rights Movement, Malcolm X and self defense. Interview also appears in Malcolm X: Make It Plain.
- Subject:
Oral History--United States, Civil rights movements--United States, Race relations--United States, Black Panther Party, Black power, Civil rights--History--20th century, Prisons and race relations, Davis, Angela Y. (Angela Yvonne), 1944-
- Creator:
Blackside, Inc.
- Contributor:
Blackside, Inc., Rockefeller, Terry Kay, Massiah, Louis
- Publisher:
Washington University in St. Louis, Blackside, Inc.
- Language:
- Date Uploaded:
2021-08-12 17:48 UTC
- Date Modified:
2021-08-12 18:16 UTC
- Date Issued:
1989-05-24 00:00 UTC
- Content License:
All rights reserved
- Resource Type:
- Description:
Interview with Laverne Barkley conducted for Eyes on the Prize II. Discussion centers on her son, Elliott James "L.D." Barkley who was one of the negotiators during the rebellion and civil unrest at Attica Prison and who was subsequently killed when the prison was retaken.
- Subject:
Race relations--United States, Prison inmates, Attica Correctional Facility, Prison riots--New York (State)--Attica, Prison riots--New York (State)--Attica--Deaths, Police brutality, Civil rights movements--United States, Barkley, Laverne, Oral History--United States, Barkley, Elliott James "L.D.", Prison guards, Prisoners--Civil rights, Civil rights--History--20th century
- Creator:
Blackside, Inc.
- Contributor:
Rockefeller, Terry Kay, Blackside, Inc.
- Publisher:
Blackside, Inc., Washington University in St. Louis
- Language:
- Date Uploaded:
2021-08-11 18:09 UTC
- Date Modified:
2021-08-13 16:28 UTC
- Date Issued:
1989-08-22 00:00 UTC
- Content License:
All rights reserved
- Resource Type:
- Description:
Interview with Elaine Brown conducted for Eyes on the Prize II. Discussion centers on the Black Panther Party, of which she was a member, as well as the death of Fred Hampton and the Black Panthers.
- Subject:
Oral History--United States, Civil rights--History--20th century, Race relations--United States, Black Panther Party. Illinois Chapter, Hampton, Fred, 1948-1969, Black Panther Party, Brown, Elaine, X, Malcolm, 1925-1965, Civil rights movements--United States, Vietnam War, 1961-1975
- Creator:
Blackside, Inc.
- Contributor:
Massiah, Louis, Rockefeller, Terry Kay, Blackside, Inc.
- Publisher:
Washington University in St. Louis, Blackside, Inc.
- Language:
- Date Uploaded:
2021-08-11 16:58 UTC
- Date Modified:
2021-08-13 16:32 UTC
- Date Issued:
1988-10-14 00:00 UTC
- Content License:
All rights reserved
- Resource Type:
- Description:
Interview with Ruby Sales conducted for Eyes on the Prize II. Discussion topics include her days as a student at Tuskegee Institute and her decision to organize with SNCC in Lowndes County. She tells of a time Stokely Carmichael led a group to the county courthouse and was told by the sheriff to...Show full record
- Subject:
Daniels, Jonathan Myrick, 1939-1965, Race relations--United States, Civil rights movements--United States, Coleman, Tom L., 1910-1997, Lowndes County (Ala.), Sales, Ruby, Tuskegee Institute, Civil rights--History--20th century, Oral History--United States, Carmichael, Stokely, 1941-1998, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.)
- Creator:
Blackside, Inc.
- Contributor:
Blackside, Inc., DeVinney, James A.
- Publisher:
Washington University in St. Louis, Blackside, Inc.
- Language:
- Date Uploaded:
2021-08-11 18:19 UTC
- Date Modified:
2021-08-13 16:36 UTC
- Date Issued:
1988-11-14 00:00 UTC
- Content License:
All rights reserved
- Resource Type:
- Description:
Interview with Bobby Seale conducted for Eyes on the Prize II. Topics include his founding of the Black Panther Party with Huey P. Newton in Oakland California, Fred Hampton, Black Power, his participation in the negotiations attempting to end the the 1971 Attica Prison uprising and rebellion...Show full record
- Subject:
Black power--California--Oakland, Hampton, Fred, 1948-1969, Race relations--United States, Civil rights and socialism, National Black Political Convention (1972 : Gary, Ind.), Civil rights movements--United States, Black Panther Party, Oral History--United States, Attica Correctional Facility, Seale, Bobby, 1936-, Newton, Huey P., Civil rights--History--20th century, Prison riots--New York (State)--Attica--Negotiations
- Creator:
Blackside, Inc.
- Contributor:
Pollard, Sam, Massiah, Louis, Blackside, Inc.
- Publisher:
Washington University in St. Louis, Blackside, Inc.
- Language:
- Date Uploaded:
2021-08-11 19:26 UTC
- Date Modified:
2021-08-13 16:41 UTC
- Date Issued:
1988-11-04 00:00 UTC
- Content License:
All rights reserved
- Resource Type:
- Description:
Interview with Harry Belafonte conducted for Eyes on the Prize II. Discussion covers various topics including his activism, along with interactions with figures in the Civil Rights Movement, such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. Other topics include the National Black Political...Show full record
- Subject:
X, Malcolm, 1925-1965, Civil rights movements--United States, Civil rights--History--20th century, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.), National Black Political Convention (1972 : Gary, Ind.), Oral History--United States, Black power, King, Martin Luther (Dr.), Jr., 1929-1968, Race relations--United States, Belafonte, Harry, 1927-
- Creator:
Blackside, Inc.
- Contributor:
Blackside, Inc., Hampton, Henry
- Publisher:
Washington University in St. Louis, Blackside, Inc.
- Language:
- Date Uploaded:
2021-08-16 17:29 UTC
- Date Modified:
2021-08-16 17:29 UTC
- Date Issued:
1989-05-15 00:00 UTC
- Content License:
All rights reserved
- Resource Type:
- Description:
Interview with Coretta Scott King conducted for Eyes on the Prize II. Discussion centers on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and work, including the Poor People's campaign, his stance against the Vietnam War, and his conflicts with SCLC on this issue. Other topics include living in Chicago during...Show full record
- Subject:
Race relations--United States, X, Malcolm, 1925-1965, Poor People's Corporation, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, King, Martin Luther (Dr.), Jr., 1929-1968, Civil rights--History--20th century, Sanitation Workers STrike, Memphis, Tenn., 1968, Oral History--United States, King, Coretta Scott, 1927-2006, Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Protest movements, Anti-apartheid movements--South Africa, National Black Political Convention (1972 : Gary, Ind.), Civil rights movements--United States
- Creator:
Blackside, Inc.
- Contributor:
Shearer, Jacqueline, Blackside, Inc.
- Publisher:
Blackside, Inc., Washington University in St. Louis
- Language:
- Date Uploaded:
2021-08-19 16:32 UTC
- Date Modified:
2021-08-19 16:32 UTC
- Date Issued:
1988-11-21 00:00 UTC
- Content License:
All rights reserved
- Resource Type:
- Description:
Interview with Stokely Carmichael conducted for Eyes on the Prize II. Discussion centers on SNCC, voting registration in Lowndes County, the Black Panthers, Malcolm X, Bayard Rustin, Martin Luther King Jr.'s views on the Vietnam War, the tactic of nonviolence, the assassination of Martin Luther...Show full record
- Subject:
Black power, King, Martin Luther (Dr.), Jr., 1929-1968, Lowndes County (Ala.), Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.), Civil rights--History--20th century, Rustin, Bayard, 1912-1987, Civil rights movements--United States, Carmichael, Stokely, 1941-1998, Oral History--United States, Voting, Black Panther Party, Meredith, James, 1933-, Race relations--United States, X, Malcolm, 1925-1965
- Creator:
Blackside, Inc.
- Contributor:
Blackside, Inc., Richardson, Judy
- Publisher:
Washington University in St. Louis, Blackside, Inc.
- Language:
- Date Uploaded:
2021-08-24 13:01 UTC
- Date Modified:
2021-08-24 13:01 UTC
- Date Issued:
1988-11-07 00:00 UTC
- Content License:
All rights reserved
- Resource Type:
- Description:
Interview with Sonia Sanchez conducted for Eyes on the Prize II. Discussion centers on her time with CORE in New York, Malcolm X, Amiri Baraka, Muhammad Ali, the Black Panther Party, Black artists, the Congress of African Peoples meeting in Atlanta, and its theme of "nation time", her time in...Show full record
- Subject:
X, Malcolm, 1925-1965, Congress of Racial Equality, Civil rights movements--United States, Sanchez, Sonia, 1934-, Nation of Islam (Chicago, Ill.), Baraka, Amiri, 1934-2014, Congress of African Peoples, Civil rights--History--20th century, Oral History--United States, Ali, Muhammad, 1942-2016, Race relations--United States, African American Muslims
- Creator:
Blackside, Inc.
- Contributor:
Blackside, Inc., Richardson, Judy
- Publisher:
Blackside, Inc., Washington University in St. Louis
- Language:
- Date Uploaded:
2021-08-24 13:34 UTC
- Date Modified:
2021-08-24 13:53 UTC
- Date Issued:
1989-03-07 00:00 UTC
- Content License:
All rights reserved
- Resource Type:
- Description:
Interview with Mike Wallace conducted for Eyes on the Prize II. Discussion topics include Wallace's interactions with Malcolm X. and his work on the documentary "The Hate That Hate Produced" which examined the Nation of Islam. Interview also appeared in Malcolm X: Make It Plain.
- Subject:
Elijah Muhammad, 1897-1975, Wallace, Mike, 1918-, African American Muslims, Civil rights movements--United States, X, Malcolm, 1925-1965, Civil rights--History--20th century, Race relations--United States, Oral History--United States, Nation of Islam (Chicago, Ill.)
- Creator:
Blackside, Inc.
- Contributor:
Blackside, Inc., DeVinney, James A.
- Publisher:
Blackside, Inc., Washington University in St. Louis
- Language:
- Date Uploaded:
2021-08-25 15:23 UTC
- Date Modified:
2021-08-25 15:23 UTC
- Date Issued:
1988-10-12 00:00 UTC
- Content License:
All rights reserved
- Resource Type: