William Carshaw v. Isaac White (Text)
Page 001
Fifty days after date I promise
to pay William Carshaw Fifty
dollars for value received this
is September 1820IsaacW . WhiteattestNathan Mills -
Page 002November the 1820
I assign the within note to Wm. Sampson
for value Received of himWm. Cashaw within noteIReturnthe to William CashawWilliam Sampson -
Page 002
I. W. White
to note
Wm. Cashaw
$ 50No.
Page 003The State of Missouri To the Constable of St Louis township
in the County of St Louis greeting.You are here by commanded to Summon Isaac
W. White to appear before the undersigned one of the
justices of the peace within and for said county
on the 17th day of the present month of January
at the court house in the township of St Louis in
said County within the hours of ten clock in
the forenoon and three o clock in the afternoon of
the said day to answer to William Corshow
in an action of debt on a promissory note
for Fifty dollars, dated 18 September 1820under my hand this8th day of January
1829 Jos C. Brown Justiceof thePeace -
Page 004No 2 Carshaw
summonsExecuted June 10 1829
by reading the
within to deponent
I W White in the
City of St LouisS. Blood Cservice25 -
Page 005
We, the undersigned, Isaac White and John L Sutton
acknowledge ourselves to be indebted to William Corshow
in the sum of one hundred and ten dollars, to be levied of
our respective goods and chattels, lands and linements , upon condition, nevertheless, that, whereas the said Isaac White
hath appeared from the Judgment of Jos. C Brown a
justice of the peace, in a certain action wherein the said
Isaac White is defendant and William Corshow is plaintiff
now, if the said Isaac White the appellant, shall prosecute
his said appeal with effect, pay and satisfy the condemnation money and all costs, on otherwise abide the judgment
of the circuit court in said appeal, then this recognizance
to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.Taken and certified26th Jany 1829.Jos. C. Brown Justice ofthe peace IsaacWhiteJ L Sutton -
Page 006County & township of St Louis
State of MissouriBe it remembered that heretofore
to wit on the 8th day of January 1829 William Corshow
by his agent Wm . Darby filed with the subscribing justice
of the County & township aforesaid an instrument
in writing executed by Isaac W White on the 18th September
1820 for fifty dollars to be paid fifty days
after the date thereof. which instrument of writing
is herewith sent up , whereupon a writ of summons was issued against the said Isaac , which
said writ is also herewith sent up: and afterwards
to wit on the return day of the said writ a trial
of the cause was had before the said justice and
then witness made thereof in his do that are as follows-William Corshow
Isaac WhiteNow at this 17th day of January 1829 the return day of
this writ in this case comes the plaintiff by his agent Mr. Darby & the
defendant by his agent Mr. and the action being founded on a
note or instrument in writing the execution of which is not denied , Therefore
it is considered that the said William Corshow recover against the
said Isaac White the sum of fifty dollars for his debt & four dollars & fifty six cents for his damages being the interest thereon to this
date, and also his costs by him about his suit in this behalf as provided
and that he have therof accusation -After the rendition of the judgment in this case & on the same
day the defendant by his agent asks our appeal from the decision of
the justice to the circuit court which is granted-The appellant files his recognizance 26th Jany 1829
I certify the above to be a true copy from the entry of the
March 23r. 1829
case proceedings in this case from my district -Js.C Brown Justice of the peace Dismissed from thedocketfor want of notice and bond notfiled when appeal wasprayedto page 271 No 5 Archd Gamble Clerk Justice'scosts-Sums 18 3/4Judg - 37 1/2Recogni2581 1/4Constablefees -Sums - 250 1.06 1/4Costs. of thismanuscript30$1.36 2/4 -
Page 007No 71 St Louis Circuit Court
March Term 1829William Corshow
Isaac WhiteFiled23rd March 1829Archibald Gamble clerk
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